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June 2019

Technology Review: Gene Editing

Edition one of Phacilitate’s Technology review series examines gene editing approaches by viral and no-viral methods and where to access these services

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The Power of Perseverance: How Dendreon Bounced Back

The Power of Perseverance: How Dendreon Bounced Back

The discussion moves onto goes onto the fine line between success and failure, examining the stories of Apollo 13, Thomas Edison and Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat. Pray. Love. Dwayne explores failure and its negative connotations. Failure provides an opportunity to learn and to display passion to others, it’s an iteration on the road to success. In the immortal words of the great Thomas Edison

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Cell and gene thrapy (CGT) manufacturing boom roars along

Cell and gene thrapy (CGT) manufacturing boom roars along

With a swell of R&D activity flowing into the development of cell and gene therapies over the past decade, a manufacturing shortage gripped the industry. This caused industry participants to express grave fears that the manufacturing shortage would threaten industry growth and lengthen time-to-market for these new types of living therapies

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Bluebird bio’s first gene therapy wins approval in Europe

Bluebird bio’s first gene therapy wins approval in Europe

Bluebird Bio Inc.’s first gene therapy, a treatment for an inherited blood disorder, was cleared by European Union regulators, another milestone for the field following U.S. approval of Novartis AG’s $2.1 million treatment for a lethal childhood disease

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Anemocyte S.p.A Single Shareholder Private Limited-Liability Company
Via R. Lepetit, 34 21040 Gerenzano (VA) Italy | Ph: +39 02 99372311 – Fax: +39 02 99372313 | VAT number: 12914940155 | Share capital € 530.000,00 fully paid | R.E.A. 276961